On June 29th, the same day that the Arch St Team was moving coffins from storage containers to their new facility in NJ, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that "new" bones were being uncovered at 218 Arch St. The team was shocked and dismayed because is appears that bones had been appearing for some time and... Read More

This week the Arch St Project has had a special visitor: Dr. Jerry Conlogue and his students from Quinnipiac University. Jerry is a professor of diagnostic imaging. When he's not working on live patients, Jerry works on mummies and other archaeological assemblages, providing researchers with a non-destructive method to view remains. For the Arch St Project, Jerry is X-raying our coffins prior to our internal... Read More

Several weeks ago, work began to determine a preliminary count of how many individuals were recovered from the Arch Street site in the early stages of discovery. The remains of these individuals are stored in more than 50 boxes, which are housed at Rutgers University, Camden. A portion of the boxes are thought to contain single individuals, corresponding to single burials. Many boxes, however, contain bones that obviously originated from more than one person, such as two skulls, two sacrum,... Read More

Since March 2017, the human remains from the Arch St Project have languished in storage containers in Philadelphia. Finding a facility in which to process and analyze the material with our limited budget has proved challenging. As the months wore on, the team began to worry about the state of the remains. Without a climate controlled environment, the remains were under threat of deterioration, mainly in the form of mold. The College of New Jersey initially offered some promising space. ... Read More

On June 12, 2017, the Arch Street Project launched its summer field school facilitated by The College of New Jersey. Twelve undergraduate students embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime experience under the guidance of Dr. Jared Beatrice, a bioanthropologist, and... Read More